Climbable Interaction Part 1

For this tutorial I followed VR Playground's tutorial:

The first step was finding the 4.26 template's blueprint pre-made BP_PickupCube. Then, double click to open up the event graph. I disabled the 'stimulate physics' feature- this is because otherwise, the cube will fall to the ground, which you don't want to happen when climbing. The cube will now stay stationary. Also, I deleted every node from inside the event graph.

To make this 'cube' climable, I went into the BP_motioncontroller blueprint, and went to the 'get actor near hand' section. I removed the 'does implement interface'  and 'branch' nodes, and from the 'array element' I created the nodes get class and class is child of. From the loop body I created a branch.

Moving onto the grab actor, the first thing to do was delete the set attached actor. I replaced this with 'cast to BP_pickupcube'.

I also deleted the rumble controller, motion controller and pickup nodes, and made sure to hit compile and save. Moving onto variables, I created a boolean called isClimbing. Additionally, I set the attached actor and connected everything. 

Stay tuned for part 2!

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