
The first issue encountered was the VR Preview not being clickable. When UE4 crashed and I had to restart, VR preview was suddenly clickable and usable. I began playing in VR and put on the headset. I could move the pawn's hands and a blue line would appear when pressing down the joy stick or X on the right motion controller. I believe this was the brush tool I could use on the canvas, but when I tried to use it, it wouldn't draw anything. 

A huge issue I had was not being able to move. I could not test if my door or ladder functions worked. I tried to press the button, but it wouldn't move down with the hands. Unfortunately these were huge challenges that needed to be fixed.

A small victory for me was that in the level 'menu', I could highlight the play or quit button on the menu. Although the buttons wouldn't actually transport you like I thought I had coded, at least something went right.

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